Dr Michaela Brandsch
Experience and Modalities Practised
With over two decades of clinical experience and my own professional practice, I have extensive know-how and frontline practice in Homeopathy and herbal tinctures, functional medicine and nutrition.
My in-depth knowledge and skills have resulted in my patients successfully dealing with detoxification, digestive disorders, such as gut dysbiosis, “Leaky Gut”, SIBO, candida, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EMH).
As a mother of a special needs daughter, and founder of a special needs school , I am intimately acquainted with the physical, mental and emotional challenges facing special needs children, their caregivers and the larger family unit.

SCIO Biofeedback, Biopuncture, Iridology, DNA/Genomic testing together with stress, lifestyle and nutrition counselling form the foundation of my practice.
Areas of special interest to me include adrenal burnout, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, stress, stress management and insomnia.
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